Dear Future Husband,

To the one I love, but at the moment of this I am unsure of who you are.

I hope you are a God-fearing, Christian man. If you aren’t, I hope that together as a couple we are working on your heart to guide you into the water-filled grave of baptism as I never want to be without you in my life, especially not for all of eternity. How awful that would be.

I hope you love and adore your family as much as I do mine. I want you to find strength in their love for you, even if at times it seems tough. I know they will try your patience, but it is out of love and respect for the man you are and are continually transforming to be.

I hope that you are self-confident. Not to the point of never needing the occasional ego boost, but to the extent that you are taken aback every time I refer to you as ‘my handsome husband.’ I hope you know the color of your eyes will always be a more attractive feature to me than large, bulky biceps any day. Yes, I will continue to have crushes on other guys, but I will never act on them as I vow to be a faithful wife and to be yours and yours alone.

I do hope you will live a life of adventure alongside me. There are so many beautiful places to go, some locally others abroad. I want to be on the move, there is never a reason for us to be bored. Travel with me to places I find irreplaceably beautiful and we’ll go to places you can’t find on a map. I hope you’ll vow to leave small pieces of your heart, as I will too, along the vast paths we can create for ourselves. Let’s make our passports our most decorated accessory.

I hope that you will always listen to music with me. I want this to be a part of our lives as a couple, as it is quite a chunk of who I am as an individual. Share your musical likes and dislikes with me and I will reciprocate equally. Let’s go to concerts together.

I hope you will try food with me. Please promise to never force me to try seafood or meat with bones, as it won’t bode well with me, ever. My biggest fear is that you will be allergic to peanuts, which happens to be one of my favorite ingredients. Always remember that I’m allergic to peaches and that I’m not a fan of turkey meat, unless it is fried like my great-uncle Butch makes on Thanksgiving Day. Know that anything including apples, or apple flavored is probably my favorite. Cupcakes are always a better choice than cake, no argument you will lose this battle.

Please accept me as I am. I have a panoply of quirks, that I’m sure you’ve learned and will continue learning. Some of them are silly like eating M&M’s by color from least favorite to favorite. But some of them are quite serious to me like my phobia of birds and balloons.Realize how fortunate you are that I prefer simplicity. I will always prefer to have a few daisies in a mason jar over a bouquet of roses in an elaborate vase any day. Realize that my love of shoes will always cost far less than the gaudy diamonds and gold jewelry some women demand. Never try to change the way I eat Chex Mix. It will always be pretzels first followed by bread sticks, Chex pieces, and last is the rye chips.

Dear future husband, there are so many more things I could include but it would just be a waste of our time. I love you for reasons I can’t list, but I know that God will reveal them to me over time as He brings you into my life. He also knows that I cannot wait to be your wife, the one you call your loving bride.

So future husband, I ask of you this one thing. Have faith in God’s timing. He has a plan for us, a most perfect plan that we are not meant to tamper with. Let him do his job and bring us together when it is most beneficial for us . I will continue to pray for you every night because I know you are out there.

xo, Kristyn Nicole

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