Intentional. {April 15, 2016}

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“A true intention or belief does not need to be spoken.

It is revealed through one’s action”

– Author Unknown

Is intention good or bad, or somewhere lying in between?

Being intentional, to me, says that someone has looked within oneself to find the areas where they are weakest and need the most work. From there, it is a personal decision whether you want to work on actively changing or strengthen those areas within one’s life or allow yourself to continue lacking in those areas.

For quite some time now, I’ve continued to allow myself to remain weak because I’ve not been willing to put in the work or time necessary to change and strengthen myself where I’m lacking.  But as I near the conclusion of my second year of college, I’m ready and willing to make these changes happen. It is time to be intentional.

Recently, I was scrolling through my Instagram feed and I stumbled upon bracelets that I really liked the look of. The style of the bracelets was remarkably similar to the bracelets I wear on a daily basis, except for major piece. The words on these bracelets served as a reminder of the wearer’s intentions. I immediately found myself on the company’s website and in a moment of absolute infatuation with the company’s mission purchased two bracelets right then.

Was it an impulsive decision? Yes, it was. Do I regret the decision? Not one bit because I need a constant reminder and what better way than on something I will wear and see every single day. Both of my intentions weigh a lot on my heart. Hopefully, I can do justice in explaining the story of why I chose to have bracelets with the phrases ‘Capture Life’ and ‘Love Like God.’

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Capture Life.

I choose Capture Life because it is a reminder to never let anything become insignificant in my life, whether it’s people, places or things. For me, capturing life circles around the idea of capturing moments, as you would a picture, and not letting it slip away before you can be awed or amused by every aspect of what you are seeing. Things are perishable, places fade into backgrounds, and people change but in those moments where you find something that inspires you or you find you find yourself laughing alongside a loved one, you are capturing life.

For quite some time, capture life was the pending name of the photography business I wanted to start at one point. However, once I decided that I want to maintain photography as a hobby and not a job capture life became a motto instead of a business name. The concept of ‘capturing life’ to me centers on being entranced by each and every moment of life whether the good, the bad and the everything in between. I’ve always loved photography for the purpose of capturing the emotions of a moment, the scenery of a favorite venue, or a current state of being.

I, too often, get trapped up in thinking and allow it to bog down my interactions with others and my overall mentality. I’m ready to begin being wholly  in the moment instead of being too overwhelmed with overthinking.

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Love Like God.

I chose Love Like God because I need these words more than I can explain. God loves me fears, faults, flaws and all. In John 13:34-35, I’m instructed to love others as He has loved me. I want to be a constant and consistent reflection of the love God shows me daily. Let me love others genuinely and have these words hold me accountable to a higher standard of caring for others far more than self.

 I’ve really struggled with my faith in college and it’s something that it is very difficult to admit with my dad being an outreach/evangelism/involvement minister for my home church. All my life, I’ve been surrounded by people who are so in love with God and are constantly displaying that through their interactions with others. This has become significantly more difficult being at a Christian university. I love being surrounded by people who love God so grandly, but it makes me feel like I’m constantly slacking to love God and love people like I should be.

So far my commitment to my faith in college has been focused on making sure I’m at church on Sunday morning for worship and on Wednesday night for class. I read my Bible when I want to, which isn’t nearly enough. I pray when I want something from God and not when I need to tell Him thank you for being the one who know my heart and makes the incredible night sky that I love so dearly.

I need to love God first and then everything else will fall into place accordingly. I will only be able to Love Like God once I love Him first. I’m a selfish person who wants people to love me so then I can love them in return, it should not be that way. I need to love people first, not for personal gain but because everyone deserves to be loved. I need to speak kinder, be more considerate in my speech and actions, be a more attentive listener, spend less time on my phone and more time in communion with the people God is placing in my life.

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Today, Friday April 15th, 2016, I begin wearing these bracelets with the purpose of striving to be more intentional.


PS: If you are interested in the company, it is MyIntent Project.

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